Thursday, September 9, 2010

Comfort Zone

So, I know that I have been totally neglecting my blog and I hate it!! I enjoy blogging sooooo much!!!!! Even worse is that I haven't even had time to read everyone else's blog:( Business has picked up which I'm super excited about!!:) It's been keeping me VERY busy!!! When I first started my little biz I didn't really want to be big or anything....but that's somehow changed here in the last month. Now, I want to be discovered!!! I'm waiting or looking for my big break!!!:) I was so new at making things and didn't feel like I had anything new to offer. I now think a little differently. I've come up with some new designs that I've personally never seen anyone do before. It's boosted my confidence a tad:) Trust me I am FAR from being arrogant!!! I just love doing what I do and I can't wait to learn and discover even more ways to create and explore the accessory world!!:) Here is a headband I made to coordinate with a Zozo Bug Baby dress.

I can't wait to pair the dress with a black sweater or long sleeves underneath for the cooler weather:) I went a little bit out of my comfort zone making this headband but I kinda like the results:) I have SOOOOOo much more to share with you ladies but work isa callin' :) Hope you are all well and I miss you guys!! Terribly!!


  1. This is wicked cute!! Cannot wait to see what you come up with!! xo

  2. Thanks Mande!!!:) The new Zozo dress that I have to create for and enter into the contest is harder for me to work with. It has colors that I NEVER use!!:) But I do LOVE a challenge!! I just hope I don't disappoint ;)

  3. It is beautiful!!! I hear you about keeping up with the blog! i struggle to get everyone's read and post as much as I did this summer when I was off of work! I miss everyone!

    I hope you are discovered soon! You do beautiful things!

  4. Awww, thank yo Jenni!!! You are so sweet!!!! :) You just made my day!!:)

  5. I love the new head band! - the colors are so vibrant and happy looking :) Happy to have back Prenc.

  6. This is so cute! You are so crazy talented!




About Me

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I'm a mother of three beautiful kids and wife to one hard working husband :) I went to school for Interior Design that I currently do part time. I love God and my family and strive to please them.